Monday, 31 May 2010

Pattie-shop Diaries read-through (the story of the show)

Hi, Everyone.

WOW ........... so much to write about !!!!!
Where do I start?

'Pattie-shop Diaries preview/showcase' was finally put on at The Albany Theatre, Deptford last week (Tuesday 25th May) ........ but that doesn't tell the whole story !

Mike & Gerrard were so busy organising everything, that they kept forgetting to get in touch with me so that I could update you all.
They managed to get in touch with me after the performance, though, and told me all about the dramas leading up to the performance........ it was A MIRACLE that it got made.

I'll try to break it all down:

On the night of Tuesday 18th May Mike (after coming back that day from a week-long cruise where he had to sing twice a day with a heavy cold) and Gerrard found out some distressing news:

The actor who was due to play 'Jack the white boyfriend', left a message to say that he had to take a job in Portugal and therefore was unable to do the rehearsals (starting in 2 days time that Thursday).

Naturally, they were a little 'freaked-out' but managed to get in touch with an actor who had helped them before by 'playing' the role in a previous read-through; he said he would get in touch with them the next day to confirm ......... so far, so good.
On Wednesday afternoon they got a message from the actor saying that he was unable to get time off work .......... oh dear, back to square one.

On Wednesday evening Michael got a (free) ticket to see 'Thriller' in London and bumped into Sarah Amankwah, a beautiful female actor/actress who had witnessed the 'Pattie-shop Diaries' pitch in Manchester @ 'Decibel 2009'.
Mike explained the 'casting problem' that they had and Sarah, having loved the pitch (and being friends with some of the cast-members), promised to go through her 'actor roladex' that night.

@ 10am Thursday morning Mike & Gerrard went to Albany Theatre to rehearse the piece not knowing whether they would have a 'Jack' and, if not, how to 'write-out' (from the showcase) one-seventh of this tightly intertwined cast-of-characters.

At 11.30am they got a message from Sarah saying that she had found somebody and, lo-and-behold, they very soon received a message from another actor stating that he 'would be arriving imminently'.

The actor in question was perfect, apparently;
good-looking, a great voice, application, aptitude, AVAILABILITY, etc.
Apparently, he was great for the part and, as most of the rest of the cast were present (one of the actors was sick) , Mike & Gerrard were cautiously optimistic about things (Ha ....... little did they know !!!!!!!).

Paul, Noreen, Nadya, Calum, Gerrard, Matt, and Nadya rehearse at Albany Theatre 20th May 2010.

At 4pm the next day (Friday 21st May), Mike received a text from the aforementioned 'perfect' actor to say that he was unable to do the show on Tuesday as his theatre-company had need of him that day ........ again, 'back to square one'.

Lillian's note:
To lose one actor (for the same character) seems unfortunate, two seems excessive but THREE within FOUR DAYS seems like really BAD KARMA (lol).

Anyway, after lots of frantic calling Mike and Gerrard managed to get the number of an actor on Saturday morning, and arranged to meet him on Sunday afternoon (after sending him the material via e-mail).
They met Richard Hales and he, indeed, turned out to be a great guy, and a great fit for the part.

Richard Hale as 'Jack'

After arranging with Richard that he could make the rehearsal-times, Mike & Gerrard again breathed a sigh of relief except .........

On Sunday afternoon another actor reluctantly pulled out from the piece, as they felt that they would not have enough time to learn the material !!!!!!!!!

Thankfully, they were able to suggest a replacement (Sherrine Anderson) who, although not available for all of the allocated rehearsal-time on Monday (next day) and Tuesday, could do enough to make it POSSIBLE.

Lillian's note:
Mike and Gerrard told me all this so 'matter-of-factly', and yet I don't know how they managed to avoid having heart-attacks !!!!!!!

Mike, acting as M.D., got to Albany Theatre about 10am on Monday morning, to rehearse the band and Sherrine (who had to leave early).

Dan, Peter, Sebi, and Mez ....... I give you : 'THE 'PATTIE-SHOP DIARIES' BAND !

Everything else went to plan:
All other cast-members (bar one) arrived during the afternoon, and were able to rehearse with the band whilst Gerrard (who was choreographing an opera elsewhere and had arrived in mid afternoon) staged and choreographed.
The staff @ The Albany was welcoming and had arranged the large theatre space really well.

The only concern was that one of the cast had been unable to come that day but the guys thought that all would still work out ok.

On Tuesday morning Mike & Gerrard (after printing-up some 'credit-sheets' and 9 'user-friendly' scripts) went to Albany Theatre for the performance.

Rehearsals took place throughout the day:

Sherrine came for a couple of hours and then had to go back across London to teach ........ the idea was that she would get back in time for the performance .

Gerrard admires Sherrine's lines.

Seby Ntege (the percussionist) was unable to make the rehearsal the day before so the 'run-through' was as much for him to learn the music as anything else.

Poor Nadya (who was playing ME) had rather a rough time of it, apparently:

Not being able to come the previous day, she was unclear that she had verses to sing in two other bits of music ('Lazarus Trail 1 & 2'), and was thrown when she had to learn these shortly before going on stage.
Apparently, she learnt them quickly and conquered her nerves enough to perform the songs.

Whilst all these rehearsals/'run-throughs' were taking place, Natalie (the sound engineer) and Ben (stage manager) were setting up head-set microphones, monitors, and all sorts of equipment to facilitate the show.

Noreen & Paul being 'peas in a pod' while Sebi accompanies.

By all accounts, everybody did a great job, even though Mike (by his own admission) was a 'veritable zombie' .......... only able to communicate sufficiently to function on stage.

Lillian's note:
Hmmmm .......... I guess stress and exhaustion does that to people.

Mike & Gerrard breathed a sigh of relief when, at 6.20pm, Sherinne walked through the door to enable a 'cast run-through' to go ahead.

Lillian's note:
Based on what Mike & Gerrard were telling me, this was the 1st time that all cast-members were in the same room ....... ONE HOUR BEFORE THE SHOW !!!!!!!
Talk about cutting it fine (lol).

Mike & Gerrard did say that, in hindsight, they would/should have sorted out refreshments/snacks for the cast but, because of the fraught nature of rehearsals (literally right up to 'stage time'), they completely forgot.

Anyway, it was decided to have the scripts 'to hand' during the performance, as there had not been sufficient time for the cast to learn the piece comfortably enough to be 'off page'.

After a back-stage 'cast bonding', Gerrard stepped onto the stage, with the cast and band-members, to give a short expository speech:

in it, he expressed gratitude to all who had come to the performance, and to all those who had helped get 'PSD' to 'this stage'.
He also (briefly) explained that what people were about to witness was a 'read-through' featuring cut-down exerpts from the full 'Pattie-shop Diaries' script.

Lillian's notes:
Mike & Gerrard had already told me that they were not going to perform (@ this stage the full 100+ page script) but, instead, use the majority of the songs in the piece to tell an abridged version of the story.
Maybe this was not made absolutely clear to the audience because some audience-members said, later, that they wanted more story and dialogue.

Well, Mike & Gerrard want it to be known that there is a HUGE AMOUNT OF DIALOGUE, 'PATTIE-SHOP SPEAK, EXPOSITION, AND CHARACTER-DEVELOPMENT IN THE FULL SCRIPT .......... material that, because of time and funding, they were not able to perform.

The performance, apparently, went very well !!!!!!!!!!!

All cast and band-members performed superbly and (bearing in mind the circumstances) to the best of their abilities.

Matt ('Marcus') and Michael ('Zephaniah') catching joke.

The songs were received very well, and the reaction to the piece was extremely favourable.

Sherrine, Michael, Nadya, Kelechi, Gerrard, Noreen, and Matt (some cast) celebrate.

Apparently, there were over 200 people that came to see the 'read-through' (a figure that thrilled The Albany Theatre, and which puts the future of 'Pattie-shop Diaries' in rude health).

M & G said that it was great to see so many Black people (those that don't often go to the theatre) coming to see a 'PSD' read-through.

Mike & Gerrard have a meeting with Albany Theatre on 23rd June wherein, hopefully they can discuss some sort of 'partnership scheme' which would enable 'Pattie-shop Diaries' to be funded, rehearsed, and performed in full @ Albany Theatre (as well as other selected theatre-spaces in other regions TBA).

Also, a member of Arts Council made their presence known to Mike after the performance;
he said that he enjoyed the show and, when reminded that it was all done DESPITE Arts Council England denying funds, smiled, expressed interest in the full script, and promised a meeting.

Lillian's notes:
Hmmmmm ......... let's hope they can get on board, eh? (lol)

So, in summary, after many trials & tribulations, Mike & Gerrard (through talent, force-of-will, and God's good grace) managed to put on a one-hour, song-based 'read-through' of 'Pattie-shop Diaries' @ Albany Theatre, Deptford, AND managed to get almost 250 people along to see it!
PHEW ............

Well, if they can do that with no money/funding, I'm interested to see what they do when they can get some.
I, for one, am looking forward to the next installment of 'Pattie-shop Diaries'.

Oh, I almost forgot ........

Mike and Gerrard asked me to post this list of credit/thank-yous:

'Hi, All.

We would like to credit the following people in respect to the showing of 25th May:

biggerthanME productions presents:


Written by: Michael Scott-Harding

Original music written and arranged by: Michael Scott-Harding

Based on an idea by:Gerrard Martin & Mike Scott-Harding

Staging & Movement: by Gerrard Martin


Adassa: Noreen Stewart

Seymour: Paul Hazel

Zephaniah: Michael Stewart

Lillian: Nadya Persuad

Marcus: Matthew Boots Newtion

Jack: Richard Hale

Patience: Sherrine Anderson


MD: Michael Scott-Harding
Bass: Peter Bennie

Drums: Mez

Piano: Dan Edwards

Percussion: Seby Ntege

Visual Design and Images: Rasconrad

We would like to thank Gary Bardouille, Dr Uche, Kelechi Nwankwu, A.J. Powell, Hamilton Sergeant, Calum Callaghan, J.B. Bolaji, Kemi Durosinmi, Matt Henry, Charlie, and Coral Messum for all the casting/recording assistance.

They would also like to thank all @ Albany Theatre (Gavin, Sophie, Tracey, Ben, etc.), Ben Evans @ Oval House Theatre, Karen Fisher & Kerry Michaels @ Theatre Royal Stratford East, Patricia, Havana, and Gail @ Talawa Arts, Cheryl Martin, Paul J. Medford, Raidene Carter @ Birmingham Rep, Felix Cross @ Nitro, Tim Tubbs @ UKFD, and Nike Jonah & all at Arts Council England.

Thanks to everybody for all their support.

See you on the next gig.

Best Wishes,

Mike & Gerrard x'

So, there you have it.

I'm quite exhausted after all that .........
I think I need a 'lie-down'

Speak to you all soon with some more updates.


'..... if we just sit and wait, nothing changes ...... just the date !'

Much Love,

Lillian xxx

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Hi, Everybody.

It's Lillian here.

Wow ........ so much to tell you.

I know that I haven't been on here to let you know what's been happening with 'Pattie-shop Diaries', but I've been so busy with my own life and diary, and Mike & Gerrard have had their hands full with all sorts of things.

They've only just got in touch and told me what's been happening ......
I'll try to condense the news:

Mike had rather a crazy start to the year when (as mentioned on a previous post) he was informed by his mother that his step-father, Mr. Claudius Leon Phillips had died on Feb. 9th.
Naturally, he dropped everything and went to Tobago for the funeral.
During this period he and Gerrard were awaiting a decision by the 'Arts Council on a proposal they had submitted in November 2009.

Soon after arriving back, Mike found out from the Arts Council that, although the proposal that he submitted was deemed to have been a good one, he and Gerrard had been turned down for funding of the 'Pattie-shop Diaries showcase' planned for May 2010.

Also, shortly after Mike came back, Gerrard got a call and found out that HIS father in Jamaica had died suddenly;
needless to say, he had to go over there for the funeral for 2 weeks.

What a start to the year !!!!!!!!!!!

Naturally (aside from the emotional upheaval), they were both concerned that the showcase @ The Albany Theatre, and any forward-momentum for 'Pattie-shop Diaries', was in jeopardy.

The proposed funds were to pay the actors, the director, and for recording-studio and filming costs.

Well, The Lord works in mysterious ways !

Apparently, the guys got in touch with cast members, and most of them agreed to still be involved (despite the financial set-back).

Not only that but a friend of Mike's offered to give him computer-software that would enable him to turn his laptop into a 'portable studio', and so record 'Pattie-shop Diaries' songs/soundtrack himself.

So, for the past 6 weeks Mike has been arranging, recording, producing, and mixing (sometimes through the night) the songs using his laptop, mixer, and a borrowed acoustic guitar, microphone, and keyboard;

he's been back-and-forth to various cast-members' homes/work-places (as well as a few friends who won't be performing on the night) to record their vocal/keyboard performances.

Dan Edward 'laying down' some keyboards

Apparently, this is the 1st time that he's used the music-software but is very pleased with the results.
He told me today that he had finished the final mixes in a hotel yesterday, just before getting on a plane back from the Derry Jazz Festival (he was performing with 'The Extraordinaires' over the weekend), and will be posting the results up onto the 'Pattie-shop Diaries website' tomorrow.

There are 22 tracks in all so I think he's done quite well !

Mike says that it's a good job that they got turned down because he would never have got the performances that he has done if he had not recorded it himself.

Noreen Stewart recording @ her yard

Anyway, the guys also had a meeting last week with the people at The Albany Theatre and, despite there being a 'mix-up' with the date of the showcase, everything has been arranged.

The showcase for 'Pattie-shop Diaries' will be as follows:
biggerthanME productions presents....

Pattie-shop Diaries


‘an every day story of love ,family, identity, gossip, redemption and burnt rice’n’peas’ Based on an idea by Gerrard Martin and Mike Scott-Harding, Pattie-Shop Diaries is a tragi-comedy music-theatre production, focussing on the lives of a modern Black Family running a pattie-shop in Brixton, London. Original music and dialogue by Mike Scott-Harding. Live music and a compelling cast.

Tuesday, May 25th 2010 @ 7.30pm

The Albany, Douglas Way Deptford SE8 4AG

Reserve your tickets via Box Office: 020 8692 4446


‘If we just sit and wait, nothing changes but the date.......’

Well, it sounds absolutely fantastic, and I am soooooooo proud of the guys for persevering with the whole thing.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the actors will play me and my family ( I can see that they are a really talented bunch of guys although they look nothing like us ...... lol).

Anyway, I'm sure that in the lead-up to the performance Gerrard and/or Mike will keep me informed about any developments ......... at least so that I can tell you guys (lol).

Lots of Love.

Lillian. x x x