No, this is not Lillian ........ it's SEYMOUR.
I know ........ I know!
You're probably expecting to hear from her but, what with her sickle-cell & her college stuff, she doesn't seem to have the energy or the time to update the blog.
I, on the other hand have time on my hands, and am extremely excited about 'Pattie-shop Diaries' and just what can be achieved by my old friend Mike, and his partner Gerrard.
I remember meeting Mike many years ago;
I remember he found me flouncing around in some old cubby-hole somewhere.
He took a look at me and ...... this is what he tells me ...... immediately tries to set me up with an actor friend of his called Ray Evans.
Ray Evans. Actor/singer/dancer.
Died: 14th August 1999

"You'd be perfect together." he kept telling me.
Now, I had heard of Ray...... his energy and versatility were really something.
I remember he worked on the West End in many productions, as well as on a tv series called 'Star Cops', and I think he was even in one of the 'Superman' films with Christopher Reeves.
He was a great singer, dancer, actor, raconteur, and workshop leader/facilitator.
Yes, we might have worked well together but ...........
unfortunately Ray ......... died!
He died in much the same way as most talented, creative .......... beautiful GAY MEN died in the '80s and '90s ........!
How did Prince put it ?
"......... died of a big disease with a little name."
The name doesn't seem very LITTLE to me.
In fact, it seems to have taken up pretty much my whole life.
So many friends, so many ........... lovers .......... GONE.
I could say that they're not forgotten but, for a while back there, it was like a holocaust for the Gay Community (whatever that is) ...........
And the worst part about it?
Even the survivors don't want to remember, because to remember brings up the PAIN of loss, the PAIN of bereavement, the PAIN of being left alone as your lover dies in PAIN!
But you know what?
I might be getting old but I try to remember those great talented old queens that we all lost all too soon.
I may not shout their names from the rooftops, or scream them from the hills (like Julie in 'Sound of Music'), but I'll be damned if I won't whisper their names in the dead of night when my heart needs light and I need to fight to stay ahead.
I'll remember their faces, I'll remember their laughs, I'll remember the hi-jinks, and the lo-kinks, and the good sex, and the bad examples we would set for the young, cute little things coming through.
I'd remember the coke, and the speed, and the smoke, and the drags, and the fags, and the weed that we'd toke as we'd fall to our knees for some knee-trembling bloke who we'd joke we'd ........remember in the morning.
It's taken me this long to realise:
'Mourning is all ABOUT ......... remembering'.
So I remember Ray......... the one who got away:
I remember his talent ........his joy of life ......... his generosity;
And I remember this mantra, something he used to say to remind people to be happy when all around seemed ruinous decay;
He'd say:
"Whatever good there is to get ........ GET IT & FEEL GOOD !!!!!!!!!"
Ah, yes ....... 'Ray Evans: one in a million ....... & one of the missing'.
Anyway, excuse my reminisces but this is why I'm so happy that Mike is pulling his finger out (on the creative vibe), and that maybe my life will get some glitter & grease-paint again
(instead of fritters and ...... well ...... grease).
Anyway (to keep you all appraised), Mike & Gerrard went to Arts Council offices in London to meet up with the London Theatre officer and the Diversity Officer to discuss a funding application for 'Pattie-Shop Diaries'.
According to Mike, they were very helpful and supportive, and seemed very much to want to see Mike & Gerrard come up with a good proposal in order to give the project some money.
So, what Mike & Gerrard (in consultation with Cheryl Martin the potential director) have decided to do, is seek an Arts Council grant for Research and Development money ('R 'n' D'), in order to rehearse, for 1 week, a 20 minute showcase of 'Pattie-Shop Diaries' for an invited audience of possible investors, partners, and venues.
The amount that they need (based on paying for the actors, director, etc.) means that, if approved, the week 'R 'n' D should take place in early March 2010.
Apparently they are getting lots of help and advice, which should mean they should get through successfully.
Certainly, this director sounds interesting!
Mike seems very excited about her;
she's American, a jazz-singer, a play-wright, as well as an experienced stage director.
She's read the script, likes it, and has come up with some interesting thoughts ........
such as turning it into a radio-play!
(Hmmmmmm.......... I wonder if I could play myself)
Anyway, they're hard at work trying to sort out the budget for the proposal, and they should get an answer in about 12 weeks, or so.
It all sounds very exciting and I don't know how Lillian can keep from writing in this blog.
Anyway, she'll probably get vexed when she sees that I've used her blog but ........
in the words of that young gossip, Patience:
".........THE PUBLIC HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!"
Bye for now.
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